John J Borsos
Social Security Disability Law
The Law Office of John J Borsos, P.C. has been providing assertive and compassionate representation in Utah and Southern Idaho for more than 34 years. Located in downtown Salt Lake City, we offer our services to clients throughout the United States. We provide all of the assistance you need in applying for and obtaining your Social Security benefits. We have represented thousands of claimants in their fight for Social Security Disability benefits and would be happy to assist with your claim also.
The Law Office of John J Borsos also concentrates on Special Needs Trusts for the disabled. Representing clients in Utah, Idaho and California, our office can provide you with the security in knowing that your disabled child will be taken care of and still receive all of the benefits awarded them.
Law Office Of John J Borsos PC
115 E Social Hall Ave
Salt Lake City UT 84111
Tel: 800 910-8883; 801 533-8883
Fax: 801 533-8877
Board Certified Social Security Disability Lawyer - National Board of Legal Specialty Certification
Born and raised in California, John attended the University of California at Berkeley and was admitted as a member of the California Bar Association in 1972. Just two years later, John moved to Utah and became a member of the Utah State Bar at that time. He worked for the Internal Revenue Service as a Estate and Gift Tax Attorney for over ten years before deciding to go into business for himself. In 1986, John ventured out on his own and has been successfully representing clients in their fight for Social Security Benefits ever since. John also concentrates his practice in the needs of the disabled including Social Security, Special Needs Trusts and in Trusts, Wills and Estate Planning and has served on the Board of Directors for the Salt Lake Estate Planning Council. John also wrote a column in the Utah Primetimes. John served on the Board of Directors for Alliance House, and is a member of the National Organization of Social Security Claimants Representatives (NOSSCR) and National Elder Law Attorneys (NAELA).
John is married with three grown children and is now also enjoying a growing number of grandchildren.
